User guide

Learn how to build, configure and publish forms and get help when you need it.


Getting access and signing in

MoJ Forms is only available to employees of MoJ and its agencies and public bodies. To request access, contact us to discuss your requirements. As MoJ Forms is still in development, we need your consent to take part in ongoing research.

MoJ Forms shares a login with your primary work email address so you don't need to remember a separate username or password. We currently support email addresses ending in the following domains:


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Known issues

MoJ Forms is a new platform with a range of features that we are working to expand. In the short term, you might encounter some limitations, including:

  • Forms cannot currently be deleted or unpublished (taken down from the internet). Contact us to do this.
  • Autocomplete questions won't work if any of the uploaded answers contains an '&' symbol. Some other special characters may also cause problems. We recommend you use only standard letters in your answers.

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Get help or report a bug

If you need help doing something or think you have found a bug (something doesn’t work as you expected), contact us by email or on Slack.

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Give feedback

Contact us by email or on Slack to tell us what you think of MoJ Forms and suggest improvements.

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